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Backyard Eco-Gardening with Drew Asbury - Meeting on February 22, 2022


Minutes from Evergreen Garden Club Meeting February 22, 2022



Check out our new website.  It’s up and running

Website name:

Password:  Forevergreen

To enter private members-only section, Etc.  


The meeting was held on Zoom hosted EGC President Colet Mitchell.   


Members Present:

Jean Barquin, Louise Beale, Cherry Bourque, Winkie Crigler, Jane DeCell, Fossy Fenwick, Kay Glenday, Betty Langhammer, Helen Large, Diana Luke-Hopson, Lenora Lynham, Sally Marshall, Dolly McKenna,

Colet Mitchell, Donna Roberts (guest of Susan Vanderver), Sharon Schall, Pam Selden, Sharon Stoliaroff, Ellen Thrasher and Xenia Wilkinson


Social Pre-Meeting:  During the coffee time Colet held a brief introduction to the Evergreen Website. 


The Program Speaker:   Drew Asbury, Backyard Eco-Gardening

Jane DeCell introduced our speaker, Drew Asbury.  He is the Horticulturist and Volunteer Manager of Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens.  His presentation and slides were about implementing the eight Elements of Conservation Gardening.   He encouraged us to use these elements in our own gardens.  The elements are: 1) Design to benefit the environment,2) Native plants, 3) Invasive plants management, 4) Wildlife habitat, 5) Healthy air quality, 6) Clean water 7), Healthy soil and 8) Management. 


Colet thanked Drew very much for his informative presentation and she said that his Power Point talk will be posted on our website. The link is provided below.


Business Meeting:

Minutes of the January 18, 2022 meeting were approved.


Program Chairman. Jane DeCell briefed the members about upcoming meetings in March.


March 8th is Tregaron Spring Clean Up Day.  Please respond to Jane Dana by March 2nd


March 22nd The Art of Cooking with Lavender.  This will be the club’s first in person meeting in two years.   It will be at the home of Susie Taylor. Please RSVP two weeks prior to the meeting as the speaker will be bringing items for the members present.


Membership:  Xenia announced that the club has two nominees for membership.  Ellen Thrasher is nominating Lauren Sherlock and Colet Mitchell is nominating Rosa Maria Wallach.  Xenia read the nominating letters for the two candidates.


Treasurer's Report:

Hi, Ladies – Below is the Treasurer’s Report. 

Happy to report that all dues are in for the year; I just made the last deposit. This year we collected a total of $6,900 in dues (down slightly from our budgeted figure as we have lost one Active and one Associate member this year).  Currently we have $11,741.58 on hand. Given our upcoming expenses, this will easily allow us to make $5,000 in gifts/grants at the end of the year.



(202) 669-3638 (Mobile)


Report from Cathy Farrell:   Cathy said the Directory is available on our website.  It is proposed that a printed hard copy of the Directory will be made every five years.


Hospitality:  Sharon Stoliaroff announced that the March 22 meeting will be at the home of Susie Taylor 4721 Cumberland Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD

Winkie Crigler and Jean Barquin will be hostess for the meeting.


Ad Hoc Archives:  Jeanette Harper, Sharon Schall and Susan Vanderver are serving on the Archive Ad Hoc.  They had a rousing morning sorting through boxes of 70 years of Evergreen Garden Club record keeping and streamlining those records.  Colet gave a huge thank you to Susan Vanderver for spearing heading this committee.


Colet closed the meeting with a reminder that next year is the club’s 70th anniversary.  Looking for members to plan a celebration.  


Respectively submitted,

Pam Selden, Recording Secretary


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Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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