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Ikebana Unbound - Demonstration and Workshop with Bie Fox - Meeting on March 19, 2024

Evergreen Garden Club

Minutes of Meeting

March 19, 2024


Attending: Connie Anderson, Jane Barquin, Julia Bellinger, Carol Cramer, Winkie Crigler, Jane Dana, Jane DeCell, Doris Dixon, Cathy Farrell, Fossy Fenwick, Betsy Forster, Mary Jane Glass, Jeannette Harper, Mary Frances Koltes, Diana Luka Hopson, Sally Marshall, Dolly McKenna, Lynne Pickard, Donna Roberts, Sharon Schall, Susie Taylor, Susan Vanderver, Rosa Wallach, Ann Williams.


President Winkie Crigler thanked Carol Cramer and Jane Dana for providing delicious refreshments. She told everyone that she had particularly asked for fewer refreshments, since our workshop at her dining room table meant that there wasn’t much room for food. (They don’t seem to have listened.)


Doris Dixon and Susan Vanderver introduced Bie Fox, speaking on the history and principles of ikebana. Bie, a native of Taiwan, became interested in ikebana while she and her husband (the meeting’s tech expert) were stationed in Japan in the Foreign Service. A practice that began with floral offerings at temples, flowers and branches represent sky, human beings, and earth, using few materials and much space. Attendees created their own arrangements with three calla lilies, three long leaves and one hypericum berry stem. We all agreed that our results were fun and attractive.

Business Meeting:

The minutes of the February meeting were approved as written.


Winkie reported that the Executive Board had met after the February meeting to approve the request of two active members, Molly Fenwick and Claire Marshall, to move to associate status. Currently we have 40 active members, nine associate members, and one absentee member. Winkie asked members to think of friends who might like to join Evergreen, as we have five places available. Winkie said that Xenia Wilkinson reports no membership applications this spring.


Lynne Pickard has graciously agreed to run the election. You will receive an email ballot. Please reply to Lynne only and either say that you approve the slate, or not. Since all the current officers have agreed to serve for one more year, the election will be a referendum on how well we have done this year! 😉


Treasurer’s Report (Susie Taylor)

We currently have $10,953.11 in the bank. There are two outstanding checks, both of which are donations honoring our February and March meeting speakers. The total amount is $250. I expect to collect $200 today for Ikebana supplies ordered by member participants.

Two financial pieces of information are still outstanding, the cost of monthly maintenance for the website and a receipt for a new projector generously donated by two members. Neither of these will adversely impact our approved budget. The Garden Club continues to enjoy good financial shape and remains on track to donate $5,000 this year to support its philanthropic mission.


Doris talked about the April meeting. We are confirmed for our tour of the British Embassy gardens on Tuesday, April 16. The tour is limited to 30 people; first come, first served in terms of sign-up. We will send out a sign-up sheet next week. There is very limited parking so we may want to carpool. The embassy will need the names and license plate numbers of everyone one week in advance. But there is no guarantee that we will get parking. We may have to park in the neighborhood. There will be no place to serve refreshments so you may want to bring a water bottle. Our business meeting will be very short. Is there interest in a dutch-treat lunch after the meeting? We could go to somewhere like the Silver Diner at Cathedral Commons or Millie’s in Spring Valley. We’ll poll people when we send out the sign-up. 


Doris discussed plans for the May meeting/luncheon. We will visit Claybrook Garden, a lovely private garden in Rectortown, Virginia, followed by lunch at Rosa Wallach’s home and garden. It is about an hour and 15-minute drive to the garden and then 20-25 minutes to Rosa’s home, and a little over an hour back home. We need to get a head count very soon so that we can plan the luncheon and figure out the cost. Doris strongly recommends carpooling. The officers will have a Zoom meeting with Rosa to discuss and plan the luncheon in the near future.


A few NCAGC announcements:

·      The District I spring meeting is a Horticulture Specialty Show and will be held on Friday, April 19, at the Cheverly Community Center. There will be a number of classes and you can enter plants from your garden, yard, or home. It might be a fun way to dip your toe into the plant show world! If you might be interested, Winkie has more information.

·      In the Know,” our NCAGC newsletter, went out recently, but many people did not receive it, so Winkie just sent an email yesterday with a PDF of the newsletter. It’s spring so there are several interesting programs mentioned in it.

·      The NCAGC spring meeting will be held at the National Arboretum next Tuesday, March 26. “Brunch” at 9:30 and meeting at 10 AM. The program will be Linda Ely, speaking on ikebana design. So if today whetted your appetite for more ikebana, you should try to attend. District I (that’s us) will be providing the refreshments. Unfortunately, Winkie can’t attend. She asked whether anyone else might want to go, but no one raised their hand.

·      The 37th annual Lahr Native Plant Symposium will be held this Saturday, March 23, at the National Arboretum. Information in the newsletter and on the web.

·      The American Daffodil Society (the largest daffodil show in the world!) is held once every ten years in the Mid-Atlantic region. This year it is at the Hyatt Regency Dulles in Herndon on Thursday, April 10, and Friday, April 11. 

·      District II of the NCAGC is hosting an all-day bus trip to Chanticleer Gardens (outside Philadelphia) on May 1. The cost of $120 includes tickets, tour, lunch, transportation, shopping, snacks. Registration form is in the newsletter. 

·      There is a Potomac Village Garden Club garden tour on Saturday, May 4, from 12-4.


Mary Jane announced that the Cleveland Park Historical Society is organizing a garden tour on Mother’s Day, May 12. Club members will be notified of how to register, if they wish. She also said that she and Ellen Thrasher would like to carry out the club’s philanthropy program club this spring. They asked for a third person, perhaps a newer member, to join them.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jane Glass

Recording Secretary

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